The Akers Games License
Ever dream about releasing your own expansion to Comrades? Want to turn Letters to the Stars into a game about Moby-Dick? How about using Deadball as the foundation for a cricket simulator? Now you can!
The Akers Games License allows you to create, publish and sell games and supplements based on W.M. Akers’ games. Just include one of the “Based on Akers Games” logos and you’re good to go. Download the logos on this page or click here to get them in sizes large and small.
Please note that your permission to publish under this license may be revoked if you are using our work to promote racism, misogyny, transphobia, fascism, or general hate.
If you’d like to quote directly from an Akers Games product, get permission first. Whether or not you’re using our words, we’d love to hear about what you’re making. Drop us a line.